One of the great things about any event in EO is that it is a tradition to find ‘cool’ or ‘unique locations. In the previous years we had our annual retreat in Barcelona and Saint Moritz, but this time we decided to stay in Umbria, Italy. Umbria is a province which is located south of Toscane, and for has an amazing scenery. Form various parts of the country, our EO members travelled to the Relais I Ciclamini to spend a few days together in this quite place. We were all very excited to be all together again after spending the last 1,5 year connecting with each other over ‘zoom’. And ofcourse good food and good wine was on the menu!

We kicked off with a combined forum (we run two forums right now in Eo Italy), which allowed us to get to know some new members who joined us in the last months. Sharing our personal stories creates quickly a very strong and deep connection, a powerful aspect of any EO forum or event. It is this deep connection, this confidential atmosphere that allows all members to truly open up and share the real experiences. And this is where deep learning happens.

But an EO event is not a real EO event if there is also ample time for fun. The Relais I Ciclamin is owned by one of the most well known and popular song text writers, Giulio Rapetti, better known as Mogul. It was therefore an obvious choice to try our singing skills with this music master! We split in 2 groups, and we practised for ours before the final performance on the stage at the Relais.

After our singing contest we continued to talk over another great dinner, before we all went to sleep and headed home the next morning. It was another great retreat and I can’t wait for the next one in 2022!